Add Presearch as a Search Engine (Chrome & Safari)

In Chrome, just add (and make it Default):

In Safari it is a little bit different. By default, Safari only has 4 search engine (you can see in the Preferences / Search tab) but you can not add a new one.  

The solution is add an extension to do that: Omnikey ( Once you install it, you just add:{search}

And just like that, your next search (a preSearch) add “PRE” to your virtual currency.

“Hidden” options on OSX

Sometime we need to make some tweaks en our OS. Most of the time this options are in “System preferences” via the UI, but other “hidden” options are available from the CLI (Terminal), like:

defaults write type jpg
killall Finder

this command change the default scheenshot format (PNG) to JPG

defaults write disable-shadow -bool true
killall SystemUIServer

to disable drop shadows on a screenshot

defaults write CreateDesktop false
killall Finder

this one hide all icons in the desktop. To revert this, change to “true”

defaults write persistent-apps -array-add '{"tile-type"="spacer-tile";}'
killall Dock

add space to the icon’s docks

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles true;
killall Finder

show hidden files/folders (false to hide)

Install Ubuntu on a MacBook

I’ve an old MacBook (late 2009 with 4GB of RAM) and for this time some programs like Skype doesn’t work anymore. So I’m installing Ubuntu to make this old Mac working again.

First, using a secondary laptop (a MacBook Pro with OSX High Sierra in my case) download Ubuntu.

Then, “burn” the .iso file onto an USB stick. To do that, you need to erase the USB:

Then, Unmount the USB via DiskUtility

Then, open Terminal and type:

sudo diskutil list

It will list the connected USBs:

In this case disk2 is the USB.

Then, type:

sudo dd if=/Users/miguel/Downloads/ubuntu-17.10.1-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/disk2

Wait some minutes…

Finally, extract the USB and put it onto the final computer and turn it on. Then  press Option/alt (⌥) key to boot from USB.


Final result:


Force to generate iOS icon with Ionic

Sometime Ionic doesn’t generate 1024×1024 icon. Apple now required this icon size. To force generate the icon execute:

sudo ionic cordova resources ios --icon --force

Otherwise, ionic will say: “The following images were not created because their source image was too small:”

Add awesomeFonts into Ionic

Ionicons are awesome, but sometime we need more. Then, awesomeFonts come to scene.


First, install font-awesome:

sudo npm install --save font-awesome

Then, in the project root, create a file called script/copy-custom-libs.js with:

const existingConfig = require('../node_modules/@ionic/app-scripts/config/copy.config');
module.exports = Object.assign(existingConfig, {
    copyFontawesomeFonts: {
      src: ['{{ROOT}}/node_modules/font-awesome/fonts/**/*'],
      dest: '{{WWW}}/assets/fonts'
    copyFontawesomeCss: {
      src: ['{{ROOT}}/node_modules/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css'],
      dest: '{{WWW}}/assets/css'

Finally, in package.json add:

"config": {
  "ionic_copy": "./scripts/copy-custom-libs.js"

So, the next time you compile your project, the awesome-font will be in www/assets/


You can use this fonts in the side-menu:


      <ion-item menuClose ion-item class="franja_menu" (click)="irAPagina('InformacionPage')">
        <ion-icon class="fa fa-info icono_menu" item-start></ion-icon>

      <ion-item menuClose ion-item class="franja_menu" (click)="irAPagina('EvaluarPage')">
        <ion-icon class="fa fa-pencil-square-o icono_menu" item-start></ion-icon>

      <ion-item menuClose ion-item class="franja_menu" (click)="irAPagina('ResultadosPage')">
        <ion-icon class="fa fa-bar-chart icono_menu" item-start></ion-icon>

      <ion-item menuClose ion-item class="franja_menu" (click)="irAPagina('CuentaPage')">
        <ion-icon class="fa fa-cog icono_menu" item-start></ion-icon>


Or, use it in the page header:

    <button ion-button menuToggle>
      <ion-icon name="menu"></ion-icon>
    <ion-title>Mi Cuenta</ion-title>
    <ion-buttons end>
      <button ion-button icon-only (click)="salir()">
        <ion-icon class="fa fa-sign-out"></ion-icon>

my editor: VS Code & plugins

I just remember the time when I use Dreamweaver, because of the WYSIWYG. Jumping some years, recently I found VS Code, and wow! No only because is open source, but it’s fast, beautiful, customizable, multi-platform, plugin ready, git manager, terminal integrated, …

And my favorite plugins are:

  • Angular Language Service, by Angular
  • JSON Tools, by Erik Lynd
  • JSON to TS, by MariusAlchimavicius




Generate keystore for Android

To generate an .APK to upload to Google Play Console, you need to “sign” the binary. So, keytool command is the way:

keytool -genkey -v -keystore app_name.keystore -alias app_name -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
 Before generate the keystore, you need to answer this questions:
  • What is your first and last name?
  • What is the name of your organizational unit?
  • What is the name of your organization?
  • What is the name of your City or Locality?
  • What is the name of your State or Province?
  • What is the two-letter country code for this unit?

You need to give a password for this file. Finally, the app_name.keystore is generated.

Assuming we are building an ionic app, here are the commands

sudo ionic cordova build android --release --prod

to compile, and generate the non-signed .APK file: android-armv7-release-unsigned.apk

sudo chmod 777 ./platforms/android/build/outputs/apk
to give full permission to the destination folder (to write the new file)

jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore app_name.keystore ./platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/android-armv7-release-unsigned.apk app_name
sign the .APK

/Users/miguel/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/27.0.0/zipalign -vf 4 ./platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/android-armv7-release-unsigned.apk ./platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/app_name.apk
generate the new app_name.APK file signed. You need to have the Android SDK tools installed.

adb install -r ./platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/app_name.apk
send (copy) the binary (.APK file) to your phone (via USB)

adb logcat

Just in case you need to see the console.log directly from you terminal. It will show you everything happening in your phone.